Portfolio Showreel

Featured Works

Zodiacs of the East

As time passes and ages come anew, legends foretell of twelve mystical animals, whom under the mandate of the Jade Emperor, came to symbolize an integral part of Chinese culture for over two thousand years, known commonly today as Sheng Xiao or Shu Xiang. This project is aimed to create a website to explain upon the zodiacs.

Timeless Tools

As all face the unstoppable flow of time, it is often those of which are immovable, bring light to the precious moments of ages past. For this photography project, the idea was to capture the wear and tear of the tools, implying generations had came, used them and gone, yet they still remain. To some, they serve as a physical representation of memories past.

DI Chronocube

This is an Arduino-based project in which I combined functionality with aesthetics. The project is comprised of smaller cubes, all of which contain an LED inside, each serving as an time indicator, the duration of which is programmable by the user.

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