Portfolio Showreel

Featured Works

How Malaysia Overcame Covid-19

Young generations have shown no interest in old performing art and rather prefer to watch the latest trend for examples movies or streaming. For that, I have created a motion graphic that help to bring awareness to the shadow puppet art to new generations and help them to understand the importance of this dying art.

Road Rage to Road Bullies

Malaysia has been rated the highest road incidents, with one of the reasons for the cause are road rages or road bullies. Many people have lose their temper and ended up damaging the vehicles as well as injures innocent civilians. This motion graphic will tell many people their consequences of their actions and ways to not lose their temper.

Merry Christmas 2020

This motion graphic has been inspired by my own childhood, where we would meet many relatives and have a Christmas dinner. The element use for this animations were warm colours combine with flat design style, to bring friendly and warm feelings.

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