

UI/UX, Graphic & 2D Motion Graphic Designer

Good day everyone, I am Zhi Jing, a recent graduate in Digital Media from Malaysia. My professional background encompasses a wide array of skills including user interface and user experience design, graphic design, 2D animation, and editing.

  • Birthday: 25 September 2001
  • Website: www.behance.net/jaredng25
  • Phone: +60125010875
  • City: Penang,Malaysia
  • Age: 22
  • Degree: Diploma
  • PhEmailone: nzj09252001@gamil.com

I firmly uphold the philosophy that learning is a continuous lifelong journey. While I stand at the initial stages of my career, I am genuinely enthusiastic about presenting my portfolio to a global audience, showcasing the strength and capabilities of my brand.


Adobe Illustrator90%
Adobe Photoshop 80%
Adobe XD 75%
Adobe After Effect 85%
HTML 60%
CSS 65%

Resume (NG ZHI JING)

Experience & Education



September 2023

Mid-Autumn Festival Poster & signboards design

Engaged in the conceptualization and execution of mall decorations, event planning, and poster design for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Collaborating with esteemed partners, Myhans and 1st Avenue Penang.


24 July 2023 - 21 September 2023

Pallas, Penang

During my internship, I honed my expertise in creating infographics, motion graphics, poster design, shoe design, woven bag design and event setup.


The One Academy Penang

September 2020 - September 2023

Diploma in Digital Media Design

Portfolio (NG ZHI JING)

My Works

Escape Theme Park Mobile Web

I prioritize a meticulously organized layout with user-friendly navigation to optimize the customer's browsing experience. Additionally, I emphasize font design that facilitates effortless differentiation between font sizes and styles, ensuring enhanced readability.

Pomelo Editing App

The integration of supplementary features, expanded information resources, and precise instructional prompts is anticipated to augment user adoption. This enhancement is underpinned by an overall improvement in app usability, offering a seamless experience, especially in the domain of proficient photo editing.

Kek Lok Si Mural Art

This painting showcases the religious beliefs of the Chinese community, as well as the iconic architecture of the local Kek Lok Si Temple. It includes basic elements such as various types of flowers, buildings, and traditional styles of the Chinese community.

Personal Branding

"Though I find myself at the nascent stage of my professional journey, I am earnestly committed to presenting my work to a global audience and illuminating the formidable capabilities of my brand.